


























BA 农学士

DJ (广播电台)流行音乐播音员,流行音乐节目主持人

DDD [计] 数据字典目录 长途直拨(电话)

HB [军]厚膛壁身管

CAAC 中国民航

ABC 字母表, 基本知识 美国广播公司 澳大利亚广播公司

BBC 英国广播公司

ID 身分,身份

CD 光盘 [计算机] DOS命令, 用来修改当前目录, 也可写成ChDir

HK 加热器箱

AM 调幅

PM 首相;总理

PE 体育课,体能训练

NE 东北;东北的

N 字母N

PLA 中国

IOC 国际奥委会

NBA 美国职业篮球联赛

NO 环烷油

PC 个人计算机

EQ 教育商数

IT 信息论

RMB 人民币

EMS 扩展内存规范;特快专递

WHO 世界卫生组织

WTO 世贸组织

XL 特大号

BEC 工程合作委员会


CCP 中国***


柏天尼曾得过 3 次意大利甲组联赛神射手... 柏天尼的资料:(Eng) One of the greatest playmakers in the history of the game

Michel Platini typified the player wearing jersey #10. He was the orchestrator


free-kick specialist and in charge of every attack his teams built up both at club and national team level. His unique ability to read the game enabled him to stay a split second ahead of everyone else at any given time. This bined with his superb passing skills made him open up even the tightest defences with amazing ease. Going forward was natural for him and he contributed with enough goals to make even world class strikers envious. He began his career in little Nancy as a teenager in the early 1970s. He quickly made a name for himself in French football and was the posterboy and big star when the club won promotion and later established itself on the upper half of the table in the French premier division. Platini was rewarded with a place on France's 1978 World Cup squad

but the team failed to reach the second phase drawn in a tough group with hosts Argentina and Italy. Platini scored a goal against Argentina and came away with credit. Things didn't take off for real internationally until after the next World Cup

in Spain

1982. By then Platini had grown too big

not only for Nancy

but also for Saint Etienne

the club where he spent the last three seasons and won the French championship at before Juventus signed him up. In Italy

Platini blossomed and lead Juve to win o league championships

one European Cup (scored the winning goal in the infamous Heysel-final '85)

one Cupwinners Cup

one European Super Cup and one Intercontinental Cup title. On the personal side he became Serie A topscorer three times and was voted European Player of the Year three times. All this in the space of four glorious seasons. Platini didn't have the same fortunes in the World Cup. Twice ousted in the semifinals - both times because of West Germany - France played some fantastic football in a number of games. In 1986

Platini's cool chip against Italy in the second round laid the foundation for advancement

and his equalizing goal against Brazil in the very next round was sidefooted into the open after a *** art run into the box. In the eventual penalty shoot-out

Platini missed his attempt

but was saved as France won anyway. The highlight of his career instead came in the European Championships held on home soil in 1984. He went on to dominate that tournament like no player in history has ever done before or after. Nine goals in five games and they came from everywhere; free-kicks

diving headers

after bination play

long range shooting

he appeared to score every time he attempted to. Even the bad free-kicks

like against Spain in the final

went in. France had never won anything in international football

club or national team level

before this triumph

so it was a very special victory. Michel Platini retired from the game

still a young man

just shy of his 32nd birthday in 1987 after 680 official career appearances and 368 goals of which 72 matches and 41 goals were with France. Both Juventus and France fell in quality in the wake of his retirement as there was no available player on the pla who could fill his boots 100%. Juve had to wait eight long years before they won another Serie A championship and France didn't qualify for a World Cup again until they hosted the event in 1998.

参考: planeorldcup/LEGENDS/platini

柏天尼曾得过3次意大利甲组联赛神射手 米高·柏天尼(Michel Platini,1955年6月21日—)是一名前法国著名足球员,被誉为20世纪80年代最出色的中场球员,现时是法国足球总会副会长。 柏天尼早在七十年代展开球员生涯,曾效力法国甲组联赛球会南锡和圣伊天。1982年乃柏天尼球员生涯的一次高峰,当年他带领法国打入该年世界杯四强,同年转投义大利大球会祖云达斯,在意甲期间除了赢得两次意甲联赛冠军外(1983、1986),还三度成为意甲神射手。1984年协助法国国家队夺得欧洲国家杯冠军,两年间两度当选欧洲足球先生。八十年代的柏天尼,与居里斯、泰简拿和费南迪斯组成的黄金中场,一度威震全球,1986年世界杯与巴西的八强比赛,成为世界杯史上最经典的比赛之一,该场比赛法国胜出,再一次打入四强。 退役后的柏天尼曾担任过国家队主帅一职,在1992年欧洲国家杯仅能在首圈毕业。但柏天尼一直都是法国足球总会副会长,在1985年获得法国荣誉军团勋章的骑士勋章,1988年再赢得军官勋章。2006年世界杯更为国际足协出任技术小组主席,可见地位超然。 目录 [隐藏] 1 效力球队 2 荣誉 2.1 球会荣誉 2.2 国际赛荣誉 3 教练生涯 [编辑] 效力球队 奎史德

法国 (1963–1965; 学徒) AS祖夫

法国 (1966–1972; 学徒) 南锡

法国 (1973–1979) 圣伊天

法国 (1979–1982) 祖云达斯

义大利 (1982-1987) [编辑] 荣誉 [编辑] 球会荣誉 法国甲组联赛冠军:圣伊天(1981) 法国杯冠军:南锡(1978)、圣伊天(1981、1982) 义大利甲组联赛冠军:祖云达斯(1984) 义大利杯冠军:祖云达斯(1983、1986) 义大利甲组联赛神射手:祖云达斯(1983、1984、1985) 欧洲联赛冠军杯:祖云达斯(1983、1985) 欧洲杯赛冠军杯:祖云达斯(1984) [编辑] 国际赛荣誉 1982年世界杯: 殿军 1984欧洲国家杯: 冠军 1986年世界杯: 季军 柏天尼共代表法国国家队上阵72场比赛,取得41个进球,并49次担任队长。世界杯共取得5个进球,一度是继在世界杯射入13球的方亭后,在世界杯进球最多的球员。今被现役射手亨利以6球打破。 [编辑] 教练生涯 1992欧洲国家杯: 首圈 前任: 罗斯 欧洲足球先生 1983年 继任: 柏天尼 前任: 柏天尼 欧洲足球先生 1984年 继任: 柏天尼 前任: 柏天尼 欧洲足球先生 1985年 继任: 比伦诺夫