2.英语作文 同学们,你对2008年的北京奥运会是否还记忆犹新?转眼四年过...
2008年北京奥运会一步步地向我们走近,奥运会的场馆建设和各方面的准备活动也在紧锣密鼓地进行着。我真的很高兴,并且我为自己是个中国人而感到自豪。奥运会是一个加深国家、民族之间友谊,增进彼此之间了解的一个全球性的盛会。 从 2001年7月国际奥委会萨马兰奇主席宣布北京为第29届夏季奥运会举办城市的那一刻起,所有的华人都开始为奥运会做一些力所能及的事情,贡献自己的力量。四年后,我们提出了“同一个世界,同一个梦想”的奥运口号。五年过去了,北京奥运的所有准备工作都在有条不紊的按计划进行。而我们记忆中的五年前的那一天,是属于狂欢与激动的节日,因为那天圆了我们中国人的申奥梦。但今天,我们需要开始的是另一个梦想——让2008年的北京奥运会成为同一个世界的同一个梦想,让世界所有人民一起分享梦想,分享中国北京带给全世界的一届奥运盛会。我曾经在报纸上看到一些智力有缺陷的学生对奥运做出的贡献,我感到惭愧。连在智力方面有缺陷的学生都可以尽自己最大的努力为奥运作贡献,我们为何还在此袖手旁观?即使我们做得微不足道,但只要细心就会发现我们可以为奥运做的事有很多很多。 看看我们周围,我们可以努力学习英语,在2008年的时候做一名志愿者;我们可以向外国游客宣传和介绍北京奥运会;我们可以随手捡起地上的垃圾,美化环境,爱护一草一木,让北京成为美丽的花园城市…… 我认为城市建设和热情服务必不可少,但当务之急是人们的公德意识和规则意识有待提高。在家里则监督大人节约用水用电,少用塑料袋,不能随地吐痰…… 这些事很小吗?是的,很小,只要我们付出1%的努力,这些事很小吗?不,它们并不小,只要你付出这1%的努力,它们就可能会成为奥运会成功的关键!我们每一位中国人都有义务和责任用实际行动来支持2008年北京奥运会。 让我们行动起来吧,为北京奥运会贡献自己的力量!让我们行动起来吧,让世界变得更加美好。
英语作文 同学们,你对2008年的北京奥运会是否还记忆犹新?转眼四年过...
Do you still remember the glories of the 2008 Olympics? In a flash, four years have gone by and we are close approaching the next Olympics. We remember our old accomplishments, and look forward to making new ones in the 2012 London Olympics. China did fantastically well in the 2008 Olympics, earning 100 medals in all, with 51 gold medals. That made China the country with the second largest amount of medals, and the country with the first amount of gold medals. Let us relive the brilliance of the past with the 2008 Olympics, and make more achievements in the 2012 Olympics.
Zhang Yining, one of the greatest female Table Tennis players ever, won again the female Table Tennis singles. Guo Jingjing won two gold medals for China for diving, which wasn’t really surprising as she is already a diving legend.
The Olympic Games, or Olympics, are an international multi-sport event taking place every four years and comprising summer and winter games. Beginning in 776 BC, they were originally held in Olympia, Greece until 393 AD. In 1896, they were revived by a French nobleman, Pierre Frèdy, Baron de Coubertin, thus beginning the era of the Modern Olympic Games. The Summer Olympics (Games of the Olympiad) have been held every fourth year starting in 1896, except in 1916, 1940, and 1944 due to the World Wars. An event specifically for winter sports, the Olympic Winter Games, was first held in 1924. The first winter Olympics competitions were held as a non-Olympic sports festival, but were declared to be official Games by the International Olympic Committee in 1925. Originally these were held in the same year as the Summer Olympics, but from 1994 (the Lillehammer Games) the Winter Games and the Summer Games have been held two years apart. the Olympic Games are international sports competitions where athletes play in many different kinds of games 奥林匹克是国际级的运动竞赛,在这里运动员参加不同的项目Sone athletes take part in the Winter Olympics.Some take part in the Summer Olympic.有些运动员参加冬运会,有些运动员参加夏运会Olympic Games are very old with very interesting histories. 奥林匹克有着古老而有有趣的历史 The first Olympic Games was held in Greece in the sixth century B.C.第一届奥运会是在公元前6世纪,在希腊开办的The contests were held every four years in summer.奥运会每四年举办一次The first games lasted just one day.第一届只举办了一天there was only one contest which was a short race.只有一个竞赛项目,短跑only greek men were allowed to run in the race,and no non-greeks wereallowed to run in the race.只有希腊男人可以参加,不是的一律不可以no women were allowed to appear.女士也不行they were allowed neither to watch nor to run in the race.她们既不可以观看,也不可以参加there were more contests later.后来有了更多的项目china sent its first team nearly 70years ago and won the first gold medal in the 1984 los angeles games.中国在70年前成立了第一支奥运代表队,在1984年洛衫基奥运会上,中国得了一块金牌the 2008 olympics will be held in beijing.it's great chance for china to show itself .2008年奥运会将在北京举行,这是中国展示自己的好机会china is the largest developing country and it has opened the door to the whole world.中国是最大的发展中国家,并已经向世界开放the 2008 olympic games will provide a large stage foe people from different countries to understand each other better.08年奥运会给不同国家的人门提供了一个互相了解的舞台it's also a very good chance for the chinese public to know more about olympic spirits:swifter,higher and stronger.它同时也是一个让中国公众了解奥林匹克精神:更快更高更强 的好机会the chinese people must make a contribution to getting ready for the coming olympic games.(over)中国人民一定要为准备好奥运会做出最大的贡献 都不错,可以挑选更好的句子