4.pull up one's socks为什么是鼓足勇气
1.艾弗森单曲《last night》 AI的粉丝一定要听 狂顶~!
2.《the magic key》 节奏 节奏 节奏
3.《whatever you like》街球风格
4.《the click five-Jenny》 魔兽霍华德扣篮的背景音乐 我很喜欢~!
5.《kanye west ft young jeezy amazing》这个不用多说了吧 nba今年宣传歌
6.《I still believe》老了点 但很经典
7.nelly - dilemma - ft.kelly rowland 美女美声 enjoy yourself~!
8.《remember the name》 哎 都听过了吧,歌词里面有FUCK...
9.《Army Of The Pharaoh》 同学说不错 其实真的不错~!
10.《stephen_marley-hey_baby》 nbalive08 游戏原声带 不多说 了 你听听吧
Fifteen days of basketball training is over. In the fifteen days, there is sweat, there is pain, there is laughter, there are harvest.
This summer, in order to enhance my physical and basketball skills, I volunteered to report the soul of summer camp basketball training camp.
July 7th is the first day of training, I am pregnant with the excitement of the water supply training venue, I saw the coach: his face a little black, about 1.8 meters tall, physical strength, a look is to practice basketball. After we have 40 students lined up, Wang coach began to roll, and then introduce himself. The first day is not the training, but to prepare for the future training activities.
The content of the second day training is not difficult, mainly to see how the ball each person is. The first is dribble. A single hand ball and dribble dribble with both hands. We should practice a single hand dribble, first I can transport is not good, the ball is always running, practicing for a long time will be back and forth freely. Finished one hand to practice hands dribbling dribble. The hands of the "pull the ball" than single hand dribble more difficult. The training of the morning is over, our shirt is like in the water inside bubble like. I also got praise from the coach.
The third day, we have increased the intensity of training. But I am in a fight with the ball, accidentally left leg twisted. After a short time of the cold, I feel better, then bite a tooth to start training.
After a few days of training, I think his game is very high, the practice is not too serious. After a match with another team, I learned that I was far from the technology.. To know the "strong strong in their own hands, meaning there's always someone" this words. I'll train hard and take everything seriously..
In the training of just half a month, I understand that we have to work together and take the victory of the struggle to win.. To be honest, I'm happy..
1896, the first U.S. basketball organizations, "the National Basketball League (NBL)" set up, but then basketball rules is not perfect, the organization is not perfect, a team in the regular season can be on behalf of several team, after several Last season, the organization has existed in name only.
April 6, 1946, from Boston Garden boss Walter Abu Lang, initiating the formation of an "American Basketball Association (English as BAA)", first proposed the Brown later became the cornerstone of modern professional basketball two of the high salaries and contract system , High-paying system is that professional basketball must have a solid financial support, so that competition remained at a high level, to attract viewers, seek survival. The contract system is that a player can only be with a club contract and the establishment of the system's reserves to prevent players at the left by the sudden loss.
1949, in Brown's efforts, the two major U.S. basketball organizations BAA and the NBL merged into the "National Basketball Association (NBA)". Brown later became the famous founder of the Boston Celtics. NBA set up with 17 teams, divided into three division competition, from NBL's Minneapolis Lakers to rely on the United States stands 2.09 meters with the help of the first center Qiaozhimaiken first season was the NBA championship.
Starting from the 1954-55 season, NBA by natural selection only the Eastern Conference and Western Conference division two. The Eastern Conference has the Atlantic, Central, Western Union and the Western Pacific area.
1952, NBA center in order to limit the first Mikan scoring, will be restricted width of the basket three seconds from six feet to 12 feet to expand. By the 1960s, as another super center Wilt Chamberlain's there, NBA width restricted area will extend to 16 feet. As the NBA's leading team in the lead often use delaying tactics so that competition can not attract viewers, starting from the 1954-1955 season, NBA system introduced 24 seconds, each team each offense shall not be more than 24 seconds.
1973, the U.S. CBS with 27 million U.S. dollars to buy NBA games three years broadcasting rights, so that the first NBA games on television, but since then not a live broadcast of the conditions, so can only play the video.
1967, a new basketball organization ABA (American Basketball Association) was set up to Qiaozhimaiken the first Chairman. ABA adopted the red, white and blue colour basketball, and the exercise of third-pointer, dunk contest held each year. These measures in the NBA is not allowed. However, due to poor management, ABA in the 1976 NBA annexation by the United States, Since then, NBA basketball industry formed the U.S. monopoly. 1979 onwards, NBA 3-pointer started implementing the system. To avoid the great disparity between the team's strength, NBA established the annual "NBA Rookie selection system", that university graduates by the level of players from the rankings, and then by the club on the final league position was followed by the selection, ranking On the latter before the election, each round the teams can only choose one, thus ensuring the strength of the weakest teams will be the highest level of the rookie, elected to the weak star in the new season will often completely. Caidaqicu team in order to avoid monopoly by high-paid star players, NBA provides each team's payroll limit. If a lot of money to buy star, the inability to buy other good players. This system ensures that the best distribution of stars in various teams so that the strength of the team is very close. If it is said that "high salary" and "contract system" is the cornerstone of the two NBA, "rookie selection" and "salary limits" to ensure that the NBA is fierce and exciting competition, the unpredictability of the competition will be many U.S. fans Attracted to the basketball court.
NBA League has also imposed trade system, NBA players can not transfer the sale, only to replace people. From the start of the season to No. 16 Thursday night only 9:00, the team can be a free exchange of players. From then until the end of the regular season, the team all the "freeze." NBA move is Lianren Dai contract with the exchange.
Chuimie the first 58 birthday candles on the cake pieces in 2005 is the latest version of the NBA map. Charlotte has become the cream Puzhang also a cherry. 30, is not precipitated texture of the old ring, but the memory expansion of the new time and space, from 1946 to 2004, the bar code from the No.11 team to No.30, on an unprecedented scale of the NBA, Sanshierli.
[NBA rules:
The NBA is the National Basketball League team, which will inevitably develop the NBA rules and the International Amateur Basketball Federation FIBA rules enacted different. NBA rules contain not only the rules of FIBA various essential to the well-established rules, also has its own distinctive regional, business and to ensure and promote the performances characteristics. Here's the NBA rules is an important part of (FIBA rules with the focus on different parts), for readers reference.
(A) competition rules
1. Stadium specifications
NBA stadium size is 94 feet long (28.65 meters) wide to 50 feet (15.24 meters). The stadium measure from the inside along the line of, the width of two feet (5.08 cm). Rectangular stadium marked at both ends of the penalty area, 19 feet long (5.79 meters) wide 16 feet (4.88 meters). Stadium marked at both ends of line 3-pointer shooter, is zoned method is: the bottom line leads from the two parallel lines on the line, three feet from the edge (0.91 meters), and to Qiulan focal point for the center to 23 feet 9 Inches (7.24 meters) radius of the arc for the intersection. WNBA radius of the arc 19 feet 9 inches (6.02 meters). The circle is the radius of six feet (1.83 meters). In the circle radius of the circle is two feet (0.61 meters), a center line running through them. Another four lines perpendicular to the wide 2 inches (5.08 centimeters) of the mark, the bottom line from 28 feet (8.53 meters) at the extension to three feet (0.91 meters). (Neutral zone and location of a number of regional and short line mark slightly.)
2. Match Time
Every game two and a half hours when a total of four, each 12 minutes. Extra five minutes. In the first quarter and II, Section III and IV between the rest 130 seconds. Between the two half-time break 15 minutes. In the first game between four and any overtime and rest between the 100 seconds. In the first quarter, section II and III during the final 1 minute, shooting should stop after the success of game clock. In the fourth quarter and overtime during the final two minutes, shooting should stop after the success of game clock.
3. Team
Competition, each team composed of members from five, market players should not be less than five. If the invasion were the sixth team foul, but the team had qualified Tibuduiyuan, the team should stay in the field, and should register a foul and intrusive team fouls; also fined the team a technical foul . Later, all the intrusive fouls (including offensive fouls), should be dealt with accordingly. If only five eligible players, one of whom must leave the team members were injured or expulsion, he should be the final one for six fouls and intrusive been cancelled for the team competition to replace. Each time the need to replace injured or expulsion of members, should be dealt with accordingly reverse the order. The cancellation of a competition for players re-entering the game, should be fined a technical foul.
4. Game
The first quarter and overtime should be in the Tiaoqiu since the beginning. Section II and III competition should be the first quarter kick-off after the team lost the ball in the right line-throwing Jiewai Qiu began. Fourth quarter should be the first quarter kick-off after the ball was right in the team line-throwing Jiewai Qiu began.
5. Dead ball, live ball, the pressure on the ball
When the situation there following the ball when the ball into death: an ball; ball Qiulan or remain in the basket and rebounds in the cards between the end of a time; technical foul free throws; intrusive fouls (boxing foul, foul-赛); Several free throws in the first free throw; illegal market (the ball away three seconds, 10 seconds, 24 seconds, etc.); fighting foul; omission of Mingshao; shots or free throws after the success in the sector, members of possession before . Ball survived the ball following circumstances: in any Tiaoqiu, the referee drop; throwing Jie Waiqiu players can handle the ball; free throws players can handle the ball. The ball into the following cases vitality ball: the ball was a legitimate team Tiaoqiu Paizhuo; Jie Waiqiu throwing the ball to leave the team at hand; free throws the ball to leave the team at hand.
6. Replacement
Tibuduiyuan Rapporteur on the record he should be replaced and the team's name and number, and exposure to record the stage of the replacement of the region. If we do not report to the recorder, a fine of 25 U.S. dollars. Records shall die the ball into the ball when Mingshao declared replacement (except after successful shots), Tibuduiyuan required by the referee waved to enter competitions. Replacement for the cancelled game players time to 30 seconds. During the first free throw after free throw, regardless of whether or not impunity, Tibuduiyuan allowed to enter the competition. Tibuduiyuan free throws should not replace staff members or Tiaoqiu, unless requested to replace injured players, then the punishment should be the other coaches (jump) side of the ball at the team selection Tibuduiyuan. Injured players can not play competition. Tibuduiyuan once a game must remain in the ground until the next dead ball only allowed to replace. Moral if they are not consistent with the conduct of members were injured, but not the implementation of free throws, his coach of the team may designate a qualified team to carry out free throws. Injured players can also play another game.
7. Suspended
(L) 20秒suspended each team every half when the right to request a suspension of 20 seconds. Per game (including overtime) may request a total of 20 seconds twice suspended. Members request and 20 seconds was suspended only when the ball into a dead ball or when to give the team control the ball. Members to call: "20 seconds suspended." In 20 seconds during the suspension, the team can only replace a member. If the request to suspend the team a replacement crew, the other team can also replace a member. If the half-time (including overtime) request to suspend the second and 20 seconds, should be allowed, but must register a conventional suspension. If 20 seconds at the end of competition can not be continued, should also suspend the registration of a routine.
(2) conventional suspension (100 seconds) each team the right to request the registration of seven minor conventional suspension. Limit each team in the fourth quarter of no more than four times suspended in the fourth quarter of the last two minutes of not more than three times suspended. In overtime, each team allowed three suspended. 100 second request to suspend members, only when the ball into a dead ball or when to give the team control the ball. Members to call: "Pause." Each must have a two game suspension. If each game remaining six minutes and 59 seconds without a team called the suspension, the record shall be the first dead ball in to take mandatory suspension, suspended registration in主队this name. In each match 2 minutes 59 seconds remaining when a team is not the second suspension, the record shall be the first dead ball in to take mandatory suspension, the suspension of registration in the previous section of the team did not register the name. Allow additional suspension, but fined a technical foul. Members can coach the game suspension, the request for 20 seconds or 100 seconds suspended.
8.24 seconds rules
When a team in the game when the ball was new or Zhiqiu into the sector in the court when the ball was touched when the legal team, 24 seconds timer will be activated. The right to have the ball in the team must be De Qiuhou the shooting within 24 seconds. Completed shooting the conditions are: (1) in 24 seconds before the end, the ball must leave the hands of members, (2) members of the left-hand post, the ball must contact the basket. If the ball within 24 seconds of contact basket, 24 seconds for the offence.
(B) offences and penalties
1.3 seconds rules
A team of the ball, team members can not stay in the penalty area more than three seconds. A former field teams control the ball, start to 3 seconds. Penalties: loss of the ball. The ball awarded to each other in the free throw line extension of lines thrown Jiewai Qiu.
2. The swinging elbow
Does not allow members of excessively strong or swinging elbow (non-contact). When a defensive player in the vicinity, and offensive players holding the ball, that is, for the offence. Penalties: loss of the ball. The ball awarded to each other unauthorized locations in and around the edge throwing Jiewai Qiu.
3. Scores of illegal assistance
Members shall not use the basket or rebounds to Diaoqi, support or enhance their own to contribute to scoring shots. Fellow team members not to assist in shooting at the height increase. Penalties: loss of the ball. The ball awarded to each other in the free throw line extension of lines thrown Jiewai Qiu.
4. Isolated
If the offensive team in Quanding, or at the side of the ball three or three more players, should be sentenced offenders. Penalties: loss of the ball. Quanding the ball awarded to each other in the extension of the boundary line throwing Jiewai Qiu.
5. Lay the cover of the offensive
Offensive players may not be established in order to cover and leave the market before the end of the surface area. Penalties: loss of the ball. The ball awarded to each other in the free throw line extension of lines thrown Jiewai Qiu.
6. Viscous substances
Members shall not use the sticky substance or any similar material. Penalties: the first offence and fined 25 U.S. dollars. The recurrence of illegal fines doubled.
(C) fouls and penalties
1. Technical foul
On the ground or team at the team members of the Moral not act or breach of the punishment, for a technical foul. Survived the ball before the ball, and the other members of the illegal contact occurred, is liable for technical fouls.
(1) Moral did not act on any of the players, coaches or trainers of the Moral not be fined a maximum of two technical fouls. Any violators as long as there was not Moral behavior can be expelled; twice Moral of the act must not be expelled. Moral of no such as: speech and the referee no courtesy; physical contact with referees; publicly expressed dissatisfaction with the sentencing; Xiedu use of the language; without the referee allows coaches to enter venues; intentionally trying to elbow extension hands or feet but Does not contain a contact. There are also technical foul is not inconsistent with the Moral behavior, such as: delay of game; team of regional seats offences; vitality of the ball when the ball into field team less than five or more; deliberately offensive players suspended Rebounds in the basket or on, and so on. The death occurred during the illegal contact with the ball, if in nature that were not in line with the Moral, is liable for a technical foul if the contact was unnecessary and excessive, is liable for malicious foul.
(2), fighting foul ball game or dead, the players, coaches or trainers fighting, to register technical foul, not to award a penalty to participate in the fighting should be immediately deported. According to another situation-fighting personnel not more than 20,000 U.S. dollars fine and suspension. NBA games, fined for foul is more severe. If players, coaches or trainers in the following cases can be expelled: contact shoulder level or below the elbow foul site; Moral of no technical foul; unnecessary or excessive contact with the malicious foul. Players, coaches or trainers in the following acts must be expelled: boxing foul; fighting foul contact above shoulder level parts of the elbow foul; punched even if no attempt to contact the continuation of action is not competition but deliberately into the stands . To punish and suppress the foul, NBA rules also cover the penalty provisions, such as: the referee crew that is deliberately hanging Qiulan, the contractor should be a technical foul and a fine of 100 dollars for the first time do not meet the Moral Technical foul penalty of a fine of 100 U.S. dollars, the second foul and fined 150 U.S. dollars, and so on.
2. Intrusive foul
Survival in the ball after ball, and the other members in illegal physical contact, is intrusive foul. Members not allowed to pull, push and hit the other team members; are not allowed to rely on extended arm, leg, knee or bending the body into an abnormal posture to impede the other members of the road. Violation of the regulations, will be sentenced to intrusive fouls and penalties related to treatment.
(1) The two sides both foul foul means two extraordinary team members about the same time in each other intrusive foul or technical foul situation. Penalties: No matter who is a transgression not foul or technical foul free throws awarded only to members of the registration rules, not to register the team fouls. If the sentence or two fouls, fighting foul ball when a team has the right, the ball should be retained in the right locations in and around the lines match interrupted throwing Jie Waiqiu to match. If the sentence or two fouls, both teams fighting foul ball did not have the right, or not successful shooting the ball in the air, by any two members of the extraordinary team in the competition circle Tiaoqiu continue. If successful shots, scoring effectively, the bottom line in the game to throw Jiewai Qiu. If both foul as the referee views different results, excluding scored by any team of two extraordinary players in the circle Tiaoqiu to competition.
(2) offensive fouls in the survival of the ball after ball, and the other offensive players in the illegal contact, offensive fouls. Offensive players intrusive fouls, such as the elbow is not foul, foul boxing, nor is it a malicious foul, the penalties should be dealt with as follows: no award offensive team scores; registered members of a foul intrusive foul; led the team not to register Foul (the sixth team foul intrusive, and the team had qualified Tibuduiyuan exception).
(3) No foul ball in the right ball after ball into a dynamic, the two sides when the team did not have the ball in with the other illegal contact, no foul ball. Members of intrusive foul. If boxing is not foul, malicious foul or elbow foul, and foul occurred when the two teams did not have the right to the ball, penalties should be dealt with as follows: registration of members of an intrusive foul fouls; team registered a team foul foul If the team does not appear foul penalty, awarded to the other team in place of the foul lines and around throwing Jie Waiqiu If a team foul penalty, awarded to a team infringement of free throws and a free throw. If the contractor has a defensive team without the ball right to foul, and then shooting (free throws) successful, should be awarded to a team infringement of free throws, so that there may be three minutes or four minutes. This provision applies to: Regardless of which offensive players foul; team foul penalty regardless of whether there. If the contractor offensive team without a foul ball right, then offensive players shooting success, non-scoring.
pull up one's socks为什么是鼓足勇气