篮球在1891年12月21日,由美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德基督教青年会训练学校(现译名为美国春田大学,Springfield College)体育教师詹姆士·奈史密斯发明。
Basketball Description:
According to written records, basketball 1891 by the American James Naismith invented. At that time, he taught at the YMCA International Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts. Locally produced peaches, where children really like to do with the game ball into peach baskets. This enables him to get inspired and draw upon the characteristics of the other ball games such as football, hockey, compose a basketball game.
The first basketball game is relatively simple, and no limit to the size of the venue and the number of people participating in the game. Game players divided into an equal number of teams, respectively standing on both ends of the stadium, after tossing to the center of the field, the referee, The two sides players immediately Chongjinchangnei the challenge for the ball, and strive ball dropped into the other side of the basket. Peach basket was the bottom later shot the ball on the left in the basket must boarded the the dedicated ladder to the ball removed from the basket.
With the continuous improvement of the venues and facilities, the basket cancel the end of the basket, and switch to hoops instead of the peach basket, made with wooden backboard instead of wire backstop, site creation midline, in the circle, and the free-throw line, the game changed by midfielder jump ball to start. At the same time, the court game players usually changed to 5 people per team, began to guard, guard, center, forward, left behind, such as the location of the sub. , Naismith developed a less than perfect competition rules, a total of 13 articles, which provides not allowed to run with the ball, holding, pushing, tripping people, beating. This greatly enhances the fun of the game of basketball, and attract more people to take part in this game, so basketball soon spread to the United States.
In 1892, the basketball first spread from the United States to Mexico, and soon in Mexico throughout been carried out. In this way, Mexico has become the country except for the United States, the first to carry out a basketball. Since then, the sport has spread to France, the United Kingdom, China, Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Australia, Lebanon, has been carried out, the popularity and development worldwide.
1896, Americans Baobogaili basketball was introduced to China, the first carried out in Tianjin, Beijing and other cities YMCA. In old China, the first National Games in 1910, the basketball for the first time as a demonstration event. In 1913, basketball was listed as China's domestic official event. Basketball since 1951, has been an official event in the Asian Games.
The International Amateur Basketball Federation was established in 1932, the men's basketball by the International Olympic Committee accepted as an official Olympic sport. In 1946, the U.S. professional basketball league, and the development of the current NBA.
Women's basketball is only the beginning of the 20th century unfolded. In 1976, women's basketball is listed as an official Olympic sport.
Basketball game standard venue is 26 meters long, 14 meters wide and four outside the boundaries of at least 2 meters may not have any obstructions, such as in the interior height of the ceiling should be at least 7 meters. The stadium points midline, frontcourt and backcourt, 1-meter line in the circle and penalty area after games free-throw line two semicircles of radius 80. Ring below the rectangle as restricted zones, commonly known as the restricted area. Before, the after venue arched arc outside the region said the three-point shot, shooting 3 arched arc.
The rules of the game of basketball more, and quite complex, a total of 93. Now people are not familiar with some of the rules as outlined below:
1.3-second rule: a team in control of the ball, with the team members to stay in the other restricted area shall not exceed 3 seconds. During the game or the ball after a throw-in in the world outside the case, as long as the same party players stay in the other restricted area for more than 3 seconds, the referee immediately blows the whistle and fined 3 second violation.
2.5-second rule: when a ball carrier is tight defense, passing, netball, bowls or dribble within 5 seconds, the sentencing offenses. Awarded 5-second violation in the past of scrimmage, and now by the other players throw near.
3.10-second rule: A team from the backcourt to control the ball, must be within 10 seconds the ball forward frontcourt Otherwise, sentenced to a 10-second violation, throw-in by the other side.
4.30-second rule: a team in control of the ball on the floor, must be within 30 seconds a shot off, otherwise sentenced a 30-second violation. In the past, such as within 30 seconds the ball was the other hit of bounds will be recalculated after 30 seconds, from sideline throw foul ball not be recalculated after 30 seconds, but must be shot off within 30 seconds remaining, Otherwise, still sentenced to a 30-second violation, sentenced throw-in by the other side.
Team seven times foul rules, and one plus one free throw rules: each half of the game, a team of players a personal foul and a technical foul count has reached a total of seven times, after which any player of the team and then a personal foul occurred or technical foul will perform one plus one free throw rules, the opposing player award violated free throws, free throw is successful, and then by the players additional free throw once; such as free throws in the first, the game should continue, and no longer give additional free throw opportunities. If the kicker penalty ball did not touch the ring, the penalty for the unauthorized throw from each other on the sideline. Basketball terminology Expounding:
(1) dunk: athletes, jump in the air from top to bottom the ball directly into the buckle ring with one hand or both hands holding the ball.
(2) up shot: Missed the the athletes jump up in the air the ball up into the basket.
(3) card bit: offensive use of footwork the defender blocked behind in their own, this footwork called card-bit.
(4) collar ball: Shun passing flight direction moving to take advantage of the ball.
(5) dislocation defense: the defender station in own defense offensive side of the trunk, to obstruct his ball called dislocation defensive.
(6) To bit: offensive body defense behind him, the to occupy favorable ball position.
(7) a breakthrough: dribble beyond defensive people.
(8) empty cut: offensive empty-handed to the basket the running.
(9) a biography: was a passing of the ball from defensive to offensive.
(10) caps: the offensive shooting hand, defender managed to knock down the action of the air ball.
(11) to fill the seats: When a defense, people are losing the right defensive position, another defensive complement of its correct defensive position in a timely manner.
(12) to assist in the defense: assist companion defensive.
(13) press defense: close to the offensive, and continue to use aggressive defensive action, threatening the safety of the other side the ball or let the other ball.
(14) Xiecha: slash sprint from the sideline to the basket or the middle of the stadium.
(15) Time difference: when shooting, in order to escape the cover defense, the use of air for changing the shot to shot time.
2.5秒钟规则:当一个持球队员被严密防守,在5 秒钟内没有传球、投球、滚球或运球时,也将宣判违例。过去5秒违例判争球,现在则由对方队员就近掷界外球。
三、在第1节和第2节(上半时)之间,第3节和第4节(下半时)之 间,以及每一决胜期之前,应有2分钟的比赛休息期间。
四、 两个半时之间的比赛休息期间应是15分钟。
五、 一次比赛休息期间开始于:预定的比赛开始之前20分钟;结束一节的比赛计时钟信号响时。
第9条? 比赛或节的开始和结束
9.1? 在跳球抛球中,当球离开主裁判员的手时第1节开始。
9.2? 所有其他节比赛,当掷球入界队员可处理球时,该节开始。
9.3? 如果某一队在比赛场地上准备比赛的队员不足5名,比赛不能开 始。
9.4? 对所有的比赛,在竞赛日程表中队名列前的队(主队)应拥有记 录台(面对比赛场地)左侧的球队席和本方球篮。然而,如果 2 队同意,他们可互换球队席和/或球篮。
9.5? 在第 1节和第 3节前,球队有权在对方的球篮所在的半场做赛前 准备活动。
9.6? 球队下半时应交换球篮。
9.7? 在所有的决胜期中,球队应继续进攻与第4节比赛方向相同的球 篮。
9.8? 当结束比赛时间的比赛计时钟信号响时,一节、决胜期或比赛 应结束。当篮板四周装有光带时,光带信号亮先于比赛计时 钟信号响。
新华网北京2月1日体育专电 2014-2015赛季中国男子篮球职业联赛(CBA)1日结束了常规赛的全部比赛,以下是季后赛首轮对阵形势: